
What is betterhash and how does it work?

Matt first proposed Betterhash in 2018 as an attempt to help modernize the mining protocol. BetterHash mining protocol superseded the Getblocktemplate protocol and brought along a host of quality improvements for miners. One of the largest improvements was the ability for pools to accept work from miners who constructed their own block templates.

What is betterhash bitcoin mining software?

Now that we have the intro out of way, let’s see the most notable options that BetterHash Bitcoin mining software provides: a vast range of coins- Bitcoin, Ethereum, ZCash, Monero, Dash, Ethereum Classic, and Bitcoin Gold can all be mined via this mining software

How much money can you make with betterhash?

Depending on your CPU and video adapter performance, you can earn hundreds of dollars each month. BetterHash is an advanced, powerful tool designed for both experienced and beginner users. Click "Start" and you’re on your way. Updates itself and the miners automatically.

What is the'force benchmark'option in betterhash?

As an additional feature, BetterHash has the option to "force benchmark" all miners, meaning that if BetterHash evaluated the miners' compatibility incorrectly, you can force another test on the miners and possibly get them to start. How can I receive the money generated by my PC?


